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Sacraments and Sacramental Preparation

Sacraments are outward signs of inward grace, instituted by Christ for our sanctification. 


If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting with Fr. Juan concerning any of these sacraments contact the parish office. 


Baptism is the sacrament which begins our life in Christ and the Church. It is the gift of grace by which we are washed of sin, reborn in the Spirit...

The following requirements are followed in St. Clement as is the request of the Diocese of Tulsa.

Infant: We provide baptismal catechesis for the parents who request baptism for their infant (s).

a. One or both parents should be Catholic, active in the practice of faith, i.e., they should have an active relationship with the Church and are attempting to live out its values.
b. Suitable godparents should be chosen following the norms of the Code of Canon Law #874.
c. The parents and godparents have become instructed as to the nature of the Sacrament and their responsibility to the child, and have shown signs that they are willing to accept and fulfill these responsibilities.


Children: We provide baptismal catechesis to meet the needs of children, who have reached the age of reason (7), seeking initiation into the parish community. See Baptism tab under Sacraments for contact information.

a. The child should be free of impediments (parental restraint) and have the intention and desire to be baptized.
b. The child should have an attitude of openness to on-going conversion.
c. There should be an understanding of Church doctrine appropriate to the child's age.
d. The child's idea of membership should include: participation in the worshiping community, participation in service appropriate to the child's age, and openness to continuing catechesis.

First Communion

The preparation for the sacrament of First Eucharist involves the pastor, parents and/or sponsors, and catechists of children, supported by prayer and ritual with the parish community. During their preparation, candidates not only learn the truths of faith regarding the Eucharist, but also how to participate actively. Thus, "children should be taught the Holy Eucharist is the real body and blood of Christ, and what appear to be bread and wine is actually His living body" (NCD #122).
Religious formation programs provides immediate catechesis for Eucharist. 

At St. Clement First Communion is offered to those students in 2nd grade. Children must attend RE classes for two years to receive the sacrament as well as regularly assist Mass. Meaning children must start RE classes when they enter 1st grade. 

Adults needing to prepare to receive the Eucharist can attend RCIA classes. 

"...Continued catechesis is given yearly in all catechetical programs for children, in as much as the sacraments require lifelong participation and study" (NCD #122).


Catholics who have attained the use of reason have a right to the Sacrament of Penance unless prevented by law. One who completes his/her seventh year is presumed to have the use of reason (Canon #97.2) and with all the faithful who have reached the age of discretion are bound faithfully to confess their graves sins at least once a year (Canon #989).

Reconciliation preparation is done along with the First Communion preparation. 

We have weekly Confession every Thursday during Spanish Adoration 7:00pm-7:50pm & Saturdays 4:00pm-4:50pm. Can also be done by appointment. Call the parish office to set up an appointment. 


Those who were baptized in infancy continue on their journey toward full Christian initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation. In this sacrament, the confirmandi ratify their baptismal promises, "are enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit...[and the sacrament] strengthens them and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith" (Canon #879).
In St. Clement we now celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation every year. Preparation takes place in the setting of our youth group meetings.
This preparation will include retreat experiences, a study of the basic teachings of the Catholic faith, an awareness of the services (missionary) dimension of the Church, and an appreciation of the significance of Confirmation in the attendance of Youth Group for two consecutive years. Students must be at least 16 at the time they receive the sacrament.
If you have any questions please contact our Youth Coordinator Ester Velazquez at the parish office.


The Sacrament of Marriage is a celebration whose meaning is found in the very relationship of Christ to the Church. Couples desiring to enter into this Christian life are asked to contact the parish at least one year prior to the desired wedding date so that appropriate marriage preparations can take place.

Contact Pastor one year prior to anticipated date of marriage.
Couples work with the parish coordinator for weddings to attend to the many details of this celebration.
Specific policies regarding the ceremony itself should be requested before arrangements are made.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is offered to any Catholic who is experiencing troubling illness of any sort (spiritual, physical or emotional). This sacrament offers the healing grace of Christ and the communal support of the Church. Persons wishing to experience these graces in time of need are asked to contact one of the priests of the parish and schedule an appointment. Persons who are entering the hospital may also contact the hospital chaplain for the sacrament. The sacrament may be celebrated at any location (home, office, rectory, church, etc.)

In case of danger of death, please contact the priest’s residence (918.366.1092) for an immediate appointment.

Sacraments: Programs

(918) 366-3166

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